
First big Killzone 2 reviews go live tomorrow

Interactive Achievement Awards to be televised

Nintendo gives faith for Japan’s future, says ex-Sony boss

MCV: UK market will overtake Japan this year

Houser: Freedom worth more than respect

Euro FFXIII trailer to be distributed at 4pm tomorrow

New FFXIII trailer confirms 2009 for PlayStation 3

New Final Fantasy XIII trailer is live [Update]

GTA IV is the best selling title in Europe and the US for 2008

Sony released PSP, but never put enough of a push behind it, says Smackdown CEO

Rock Band may have 5,000 songs this year, says MTV

Preview NXE themes before you buy

Alan Wake footage “not real” says Remedy [Update]

Rumour: Leaked Alan Wake footage surfaces [Update]

ESA: Computer and videogames tops $21 billion in 2008

Street Fighter HD reports are false, site had no contact with Capcom

Rumour: Warner to reboot Lara in new film, Megan Fox to star

Blue Dragon bestseller for 360 in Japan

Capcom says Dead Rising 2 talk a “mistranslation”

Two new The Lost and Damned images show sawn-offs