
Modern Warfare 3 Spec Ops Survival demoed on Paris map

EA: Origin versus Steam not “a proper battle”

21 Crazy Power Ranger Mashups

7 People Harry Potter Should Have Recruited For The Wizarding War

Medium Large: Too Cuddly [Comic]

Spider-Man OnLive snub comment is fake, says Activision

Most Common Thoughts That Pop Up Just As You're About To Go To Sleep

Medieval Irish Prepared For Zombies?

EU News Wrap, October 3 – What happened today

Diablo III gets a 15 from the BBFC

Final Vita packaging shown, launch apps confirmed

Assassin’s Creed: Desmond’s story to wrap up by December 2012, says Revelations creative boss

Forza 4 demo goes live on Marketplace

Video of new Xbox Dashboard leaks out

Quick quotes: “It’s really difficult to be successful with a new IP,” says Suda51

Sonic Generations Japanese release pushed up a week

Square Enix has “plan for the future” with Deus Ex, says Eidos Montreal

Dark Souls review flood is go, HD video shows tutorial

Sony did not break Australian privacy laws in response to the PSN breach according to Privacy Commissioner