
French magazine scans show possible multiplayer DLC for God of War III

SEGA: PC sales “performing much better than is currently reported”

Val Kilmer with Laser Eyes!

Report – Activision restructures senior management, forms new units

First trailer for Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions released

The Conduit 2: More details from Nintendo Power surface

Stupid Baby Tricks

APB website updated will all sorts of goodies

Blacklight: Tango Down weapons, story detailed with shots

Dog Felon Becomes Hero

Crytek had a few issues getting CryEngine 3 to work on consoles

Rumour – 360 Slim revealed in unofficial shots [Update]

Darksiders gets PC version for summer

Modern Warfare 2 title update is now live [Update]

Bad Company 2: VIP Map Pack 2 now available for PC

Dragon Age player sues Gamestop for being “deceptively misleading”

Music from Sonic 4 leaked onto the net

THQ to reveal new fighting game during E3

Guy steals Breach code from PAX, gets arrested

Bungie details Halo: Reach matchmaking a bit more

Old People Do the Darnedest Things

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