
Naughty Dog feels triple-A developers could learn a thing or two from indies

Cage: next-gen hardware is “a better tool” which offers devs “more subtlety, more nuances”

The Sims 4 character interactions carry over into group conversations via Smart Sim technology

PayPal looking into overhauling it policies pertaining to crowdfunding

Battlefield 4 – DICE provides you with the “Ultimate Guide to Vehicles” in latest developer blog

Capybara Games feels uncertainty keeps developers thinking creatively

Firefall PvP suspended while Red 5 Studios “completely rethinks” it

Pokémon “special announcement” coming Monday

FIFA 14 next-gen upgrade incentives listed for North America

Borderlands 2 fans shouldn’t expect future DLC to be a second “season” of content, says Pitchford

Sony and EA’s relationship is solid despite exclusivity deals signed with Xbox One, says Ryan

Oculus Rift VR Jam finalists announced

Final Fantasy Agito European trademark suggests western release at some point

PayDay 2 may get a versus mode in next iteration, says director

Godus now available through Steam Early Access

Gearbox Software Community Day 2013 has started – watch livestream here

Deep Down’s self-generating dungeons, gameplay, online and more explained by Ono in Famitsu interview

Project Spark video shows off castle interiors, Kinect performance capture, controls, more

Contra 3 rated for Nintendo eShop by OFLC

Criterion Games staff reduced to 17 as 60-65 people move over to Ghost Games