
Mobile gaming isn’t a threat to traditional games industry, says Troedsson

Atlantica Online arrives on Steam

McMillen says he went “all in” with The Binding of Isaac

Caption The Photo, WIN A SHIRT!

E.X. Troopers to release on 3DS, PS3 later this year

Console Fanboyism gets an infographic

Phil Fish has two games in the works

Gaikai shown running on Chrome Native Client at Google I/O 2012

YouTube Commenters

L4D2 Cold Stream DLC to release on July 24

SHOWDOWN: Who's Your Favorite Family Guy Character: Stewie Or Brian?

Street Fighter x Tekken update 1.02 now available on Steam, GFWL

Atlus teases with Code of Princess trailer

Taturday! Family Guy 3: Revenge of the Sith!

Indie Royale Summer Bundle includes eight games, AirMech bonus

Worms Revolution dev diary delves into the history of the franchise

GTA V shown in promotional video for gamescom

Topware Interactive holding 50% off sale through online store

First Ghost Recon: Future Soldier map pack gets delayed

Bohemia Interactive knocks 25% off all available titles

SWTOR devs explain how the tie-breaker is decided on Voidstar PvP map

Crystal D – “Rape” is not in our vocabulary, communication

Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch limited edition confirmed for US

Monster Hunter 4 slated for spring 2013 release in Japan

I'm Farming And I Grow It! (LMFAO Parody)

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