
15 Hysterical 'No Nose' Gifs

2012 was a record year for buy-outs and mergers – report

Resident Evil: Revelations Steam pre-orders open

DC Universe Online’s next chapter is Origin Crisis

Dishonored patch rolling out this week

Lord of the Rings Online Sixth Anniversary celebration starts next week

Bethesda livestream was “just an experiment with the hangout feature”

Durango not “always online,” contains XTV, new 360 SKU makes it backwards compatible

10 Greatest 10-Hour-Long YouTube Videos

Dark Souls 2 – 12 minute gameplay demo is live

SWTOR game update 2.0 video is rife with Scum and Villainy

Quantic Dream hiring programmer with “a strong understanding of multiplayer”

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate patch adds cross-regional and off-screen play next week

EA denies it planned to buy LucasArts from Disney at one point

7 Disney Movies About The Wrong Character

Batman: Arkham City Prequel, Arkham Origins, Announced!

Aliens: Colonial Marines patch re-released on Steam after being pulled

Rayman Legends Wii U demo includes console exclusive level

Company of Heroes 2 screenshots aren’t environmentally friendly

QuakeCon pre-registration starts next week

Sony doesn’t want just FPS games developed for PS4, says Yoshida

6 Types Of High Schoolers Whose Stock Will Go Up In College


20 Nerdy iPhone Cases

Reasons Why Other X-Men Don't Get Their Own Movies

Monaco dev: indie scene now continuous with mainstream industry

Muramasa Rebirth US release date set, Limited Edition announced

Humble Weekly Sale offers four Blendo Games titles

24 Awkward Hover Hands Pics

Jagged Alliance Online to be overhauled for Steam release

Monster Hunter Community College invites San Franciscans to Capcom HQ