
Resident Evil: Revelations third dev diary highlights “Shock and Panic”

System Shock 2 now available through Steam

Road Redemption Kickstarter has been funded

Minecraft snapshot 13w19a is jackass-centric

Gyromancer and Hitman: Sniper Challenge now available through Square’s CoreOnline service

Ascend: New Gods has had its name changed to Ascend: Hand of Kul

Steam Greenlight clocks in 2 million voters, Valve working on the ability to “Greenlight more items”

Borderlands 2 gets “psycho”: here’s the elevator pitch

The Sims 3: Dragon Valley video shows off the new pets

Gears of War: Judgment gets new, free DLC next week

Microsoft hesitant to release rumored Xbox TV set-top in competitive market – report

The Walking Dead disc version now available at UK retail

MotoGP 13 pre-order content announced with trailer

Infinite Crisis champion video stars The Flash

Jade Raymond interview, part 3: The Future

Puppeteer gameplay and “special heads” videos released

Watch Dogs multiplayer will “seamlessly” overlap single-player

Pokémon: X & Y news coming May 19, Deoxys distribution event happening

Command & Conquer: ‘Beyond the Battle’ video explores series’ roots

Deadpool: new screens show DLC packs, urinals, combat and more

Command & Conquer to “wash away the stain” of C&C 4

Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion gets first DLC next month

Dragon’s Crown pre-orders net art book