
Bethesda podcast is a go, features Howard, Willits and Bergman

Sam & Max finale The City that Dares Not Sleep hitting August 30

EA cancels MMA release in Denmark due to energy drink law

Neverwinter Nights: Cryptic still mulling over pricing plan for online co-op

Doctor Who: Episode 3 now available through D2D and BBC

Square: No plans to release Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep on PSN

8 Bit YouTube: The Sequel

Company of Heroes Online beta goes live next week

UFC Undisputed 2010 PSP video shows handheld fighting galore

Newell: No dice on Half-Life film unless made by Valve

Yamauchi recommends 10GB HD space for a “smooth” GT5 experience

Taturday 31: Music Tattoos

Plug pulled on Acclaim post Playdom acquisition

Sony releases new PlayStation Move tech demo video

Medal of Honor: Fallen Angel Part One multiplayer video released

Dead Rising 2 video shows a wedding made in hell

Civ V demo to be released same day as the retail version

Huxley: The Dystopia still alive and kicking

Report – L.A. Noire delayed into 2011, says analyst

BioShock 2 Minerva’s Den video shows The Thinker machine

First Halo: Reach campaign gameplay footage shows new Spartans, good old-fashioned Halo action

Telltale teases crossover of Sam & Max, Penny Arcade, Strongbad, and… Team Fortress?

Block You!

19 Crazy Pairs Of Shoes

Seen In The Library: Fancy Coffins