
PSN breach spawns 55 class-action suits, Sony insurer to not pay legal fees

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Comic-Con walkthrough demo released

Ubi’s making sure AC: Revelations doesn’t collapse “under the weight of our own mythology”

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Latest El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron video focuses on story

Mass Effect 3: Producer describes sense of verticality, vistas, and talks DLC at Comic-Con

Opening scene to Starhawk videoed

Tennis balls become a weapon in latest DR2: Off the Record video

343 Comic-Con panel discusses all things Halo

Quick Shots: Naruto, Dragon Ball Z, and Tales of the Abyss assets get out of Comic-Con

Quick Quotes: “We haven’t been giving [Unreal series] the attention it deserves,” says Capps

Sesame Street Covers Beastie Boys!

XBLA game prices have gone up, folks still buying

7 Reasons Batman Is Better Than Captain America